Friday, March 15, 2013

Oh, Alfie~

So I got inspired by Kail's recent blogpost and decided to learn things while enjoying them.

It was really mindblowing how handsome De Niro

Anyway! Here's my take...only it's Jude Law

Day 14

I'm actually using his face as reference for Kit, one of my characters for the story I'm developing with Eveth. It's just supposed to be a sketch but his handsomeness got me carried away as can be seen in this fail attempt to paint him. But I must say that I'm really excited where this story is going...will give you updates soon! :) On thumbnail view, Jude looks weird...but oh well. Good for a first try? Haha...hah..

Day 15
So um....yeah. This happened afterward. If there was a story to be told'll be probably how Jude Law got burned into my brain.

The first movie I saw of Jude was Alfie. That pretty much should help you understand the turn of events here. In a way, he's one of those people who opened up my eyes and took my innocence in a manner that gave me mixed feelings about sex, relationships and all that. He's like that handsome guy you have a crush on that stole your first kiss and then suddenly left you hanging. But you still love him for it in your own masochistic way. Which pretty much equals to you're hoping he'd take more than just the kiss and just keep on letting him take you even if it just really makes you feel worse in the end kind of crap. HAHAHAHA. Am I making myself clear here? I think I'm just having late night "slurs and post-heartbreak-from-self-imposed-loneliness-mindset" gabbing.

It's quite disturbing that my name is quite similar with a word that is the present participle of a verb that pertains to "Talking, typically at length, about trivial matters." - google search dictionary

Aaaaanyway. Yeah. Alfie. That guy who breaks hearts. Beware. He's just one of many. Ohohoho.

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