doesn't hurt when you see it
as much as the naysayers ask or claim
of how stupid we are for believing in a 2000 year old 'myth'
is how much we wonder why they believe what they believe
if we look back, His history is older than what we know
and yet we all act like we're smarter than the old.
why are we so smart?
why is everybody a wise ass?
somehow i fear for the day
things will definitely turn and people will say
that the white be black and the black be white;
blinded by the proud gray areas they have in their mind.
i think there is no harm to voice out what we believe;
it's just the same as how much some people believe it's worth mocking
and get celebrated for bashing what someone trusts in.
sincere people respect each other.
those angry people should look closer
because not all are mocking
not all are judging
not all are so cruel as they claim.
besides, just like you, we only call out
in order to find those who will listen and stay;
just like what you're doing whenever you shout 'lies!'
it's fine, okay. we respect that. just don't ever cross the line...
the difference from offensive and irrational to intellectual and respectable
maybe the reason it hits the core is because a part of you knows its true?
push it away for all i care, no one's forcing you.
really. o_o
Just wondering about stuff...and how some people comment. Maybe i'm being too sensitive on the matter. But then again, why are they being so touchy on the subject too?
In an age where opinions are just all out in the open, be it twitter or facebook. I'm amazed at the level people have reached in burning each others' opinions and beliefs. And bothered by how 'hated' sensitive topics are in public media. It's like...the hatred is more celebrated. It's not balanced anymore. I can't help but wonder as well, as to why there are a lot of people nowadays so bent on convincing they're the gods of their own lives.
I don't know. Sure, there's nothing wrong with celebrating our strengths and weaknesses as humans...but it i must admit, i miss those days that we people knew our place in this world. Somehow,'s like...we don't -- even if we're at the brink of realizing the 'peak' of our qualities as a humanity, why does it feel like we're all circling down the drain?