Gosh it's been so long. :|
I've been in a very long slump, obviously. Somehow blogging has been intimidating for me these days. I'm not doing it for the joy of it anymore but rather to please people and all that. Not to mention how preoccupied I've been with work. So much so that it keeps me from my personal works, that when I am free...a tidal wave of ideas come crashing into my mind I just freeze. It's awful.
But at least now I sorta have a gameplan. Because I can't pass up another month not making anything worth showing. So here are a few things I've been busy with...plus some extra fun stuff I managed to get done at work:
Some works I did from April to July...the stuff I forgot to post. LAWL.
Aaaand some more recent work:
Yep, I'm doing 3D now...aha! But it's not maya...just this cool program that's mostly for matte painters called VUE. It's pretty great considering how less technical it is, it's the perfect program for me in my opinion since it's that wonderful mix of techy/artsy where I don't really have to fuss much about and let my brain bleed from so much technological terms.
To end this update, I want to inform you, my dear blogfriends...that I'm now seriously bent on working on a comic by the end of the month! I'm pretty excited myself! Wheeee, here's the first artwork for said "SecretProject_01":
Serafine |
She's a character that's been playing in my head for 3 years now. I'm just so glad to finally start on it. I have a lot of 3 year old ideas actually. Hehe, I guess 2010 was my inspired year after such a long dry spell. Hm, now that I think of it...it's only recently that I managed to come up with another personal story! I guess my Muse visits me once every three years. Haha.
Anyway, here's a little study notes on the drawing
...for this painting I kind of wanted to give off the vibe of seeing her
from a balcony or the second floor of a restaurant, library, hallway
etc. I personally like those “stolen" angled shots of people.
Also I was trying this effect in painting where only a part of the
subject is focused while the rest is kind of blurred out — without using
the blur tool nor gaussian blur effect. Still poring through Sir
Gurney’s book ‘Color and Light’ :)
I don't know if I've mentioned this on my previous post, but I'm currently frequenting tumblr these days since I'm sketching more often than doing anything serious with my life. But expect something great this July. I'll make sure not to disappoint! Wooooooooooooooooooooo!!