Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Bug Everybody Likes...

probably me excluded.

Love bugs are out in the prowl agaiiiin...blerch. I think that's why everybody feels sick lately. e_e

Anywhooooo just some updates...I've been more active on DA recently since it's just click-upload-click-view and blogspot takes a lot more effort for my lazy butt. Heh.

Just some concept ideas for Eveth and I's projeeect...hollaaahhh~

not sure if i'll work on this more....hmmm o_o

So far I'm still stuck with the whole realism theme. I'll make an influence map soon with mah friend once we dish out the first two chapters' manuscript. Ahaaah I can't wait to show to the world this project. 2013 is such an exciting year. I've learned a lot just from January....imagine what else are in store for the rest of the months that are just coming up~ 

Hnngg! Just thinking about it gives me the feels. Haha! Well, that's all for now...I still got some work to do. XD God bless ya guys!

There is no safe place except in the center of the will of God.

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