tr.v. o·ver·hauled, o·ver·haul·ing, o·ver·hauls
a. To examine or go over carefully for needed repairs.
b. To dismantle in order to make repairs.
c. Nautical To slacken (a line) or to release and separate the blocks of (a tackle).
2. To make extensive renovations or revisions on; renovate: proposals to overhaul the health care system.
3. To catch up with; overtake.
n. (
1. An act of overhauling.
2. A repair job.
Just making a few adjustments. Sucks to have a personality that's never satisfied much with anything. LOL. But yeah, I'm keeping the things I posted in the past for myself...for now. I think it's time to start anew.
It's probably just me being critical...but I feel like the past posts were obvious evidences of my aimlessness and "cluelessness" as to what to do with my yuppie life. Hahah, hopefully this time I'll be more structured...and my posts will have more direction than before. We'll see. Sorry...I really tend to be self-conscious about the stuff I do, and sometimes it's not even funny anymore. Bleh.
Let's just see... :)
For now check out some of the stuff I'm practicing on at DeviantArt!