Monday, July 2, 2012


Just decided to draw some things I'm really grateful for:
-the freedom to wear sleeveless and shorts thanks to waxing.
-my old bamboo fun that still works
-new sketchpads that cost me nothing -- thanks to brother and mother. :)
-my family
-my church sisters
-my office friends

haha. I love every single one of them. And I thank God for these awesome people he's surrounded me with.

Oh yeah...just wanted to let you guys know I'm gonna take a break from blogging for a while. Maybe a week or a month...just to gather thoughts, ideas, and whatever plans I have and such. I'll miss posting and stalking other people's posts...but yeah...we all need a little break from the interwebs once in a while. hehe!

So...yeah! See you in a while! God bless you all and thanks for the continuing support.

I think this song suits the whole mood for July...hehe!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

I just want to lie in...

"Love ain't the answer, nor is work
The truth eludes me so much it hurts
But I'm still having fun and I guess that's the key
I'm a twentysomething and I'll keep being me 
...I'm a twentysomething, let me lie in
Leave me alone, I'm a twentysomething"
Inspired by Jamie Cullum's song "Twentysomething". If you've been around for over a year, you'll notice I've already raved about the song LOL. I really relate to that song and it's one of my many favorite songs. Hehe.

In other news...the Thirty Days Project: Travel Light is officially over in the site itself! I didn't make it, thanks to unexpected plans and work in general. But like what the blog thingsweforget says: 'small things done are better than great things planned.' Haha. I was planning to make a comic...but I guess that's a big plan for a daily time I'll reconsider my options. But don't worry...I'm still gonna do the comic just for completion's sake.

And since my project is about moving on...especially over a specific someone before June 30...well let me tell you that I've successfully done it! A year of self-imposed misery is finally over...and I can now think with a much clearer mind. :) Be prepared for more posts..because I've come out of this adventure more driven and inspired than I've ever felt. Hah!

gratefulness is a very wonderful asset...way better than anything a woman can ever posses aside from gentleness, grace and serenity. lol.